CMU Student Organizations
At some point this will be expanded, for now it's just a list of
organizations that have turned up in Brothers' information.
- AB
- AB Coffehouse
- AB Dance
- AB Tech
- AFS Alumni
- AIA Student Chapter
- Academic Affairs Board
- Academic Development
- Advertising Manager of Thistle
- Air Force ROTC
- All University Orchestra
- Alpha Epsilon Pi
- Alpha Sigma Phi
- Alpha Tau Omega
- Am. Soc. Civil Eng.
- Amateur Astronomers' Association of Pittsburgh
- Amateur Radio Club
- Amer. Inst. of Mining and Met. Engineers
- American Chemical Society
- American Institute of Electrical Engineers
- American Institute of Physics
- American Legion Auxiliary
- American Mathematical Association
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- American Youth Hostels
- Amnesty International
- Annual Table Tennis Tournament
- Army ROTC
- Asian Cultural Organization
- Assembly Committee
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Association for Life
- Astronomy Club
- Awareness of Roots in Chinese Culture
- B'nai B'rith Youth
- Bagpipe Corps
- Bagpipes
- Ballroom Dance
- Band
- Bandhu Church Club (VP)
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Beaux Arts
- Beta Beta Beta
- Beta Sigma Rho
- Beta Theta Pi
- Bicycle Club
- Bowling
- Boxing
- C and T member
- C-Club
- Camera Club
- Cameron Choir
- Campus Chest
- Campus Radio Station
- Cano
- Canterbury Club
- Carnegie Civic Symphony
- Chapel Choir
- Cheerleading
- Chemist Club
- Chess
- Chi Epsilon
- Chi Omega
- Chinese Students Organization
- Choir
- Chorus
- Christian Student Fellowship
- Church Group
- Church Youth Group
- Citcom
- Citcom Clan
- Citmas Club
- Civil Air Patrol
- Claymore Clan (Dormitory Men's Honorary)
- College Church Fellowship
- College Republicans
- Commuter Council
- Computer Club
- Concert Band
- Conservative Club
- Copy
- Cosmopolitan Club
- Counter-Guerrilla Training Unit
- Cross Country
- Cwens
- DeMolay
- Debate Team
- Delta Delta Delta
- Delta Gamma
- Delta Mu
- Delta Sigma Phi
- Delta Skull
- Delta Tau Delta
- Delta Upsilon
- Depating
- Doctors of Courage
- Dorm Bagpiper
- Dorm Basketball
- Dorm Council
- Dorm Newspaper
- Dorm Piper
- Dormitory Club
- Dormitory Council
- Dragon Society
- East End Pen Pal Project
- Emanon club
- Eta Kappa Nu (EE Honorary)
- Ethnic Dance Group
- Ets Kappa Nu
- Explorers' Club
- Fencing
- Film Arts Society
- First Aid
- Flying Club
- Football
- Freshman Basketball
- Freshman Cabinet
- Freshman Camp
- Freshman Debating
- Freshman Football
- Freshman Men's Council
- Freshman Orientation Committee
- Freshman Orientation Counselor
- Freshman Rifle Team
- Freshman Soccer
- Freshman Swimming Team
- Freshman Track
- Freshman Weekend Counselor
- Freshman Y
- Fringe
- Gaming Club
- Gaming and Simulation Club
- Gamma Delta
- Gamma Phi Pi
- Girl Scouts
- Glee Club
- Golf
- Gospel Choir
- Greek Sing
- Greek Swing
- Health Professions Program
- Hillel
- Hockey
- Ice Hockey
- Industrial Management Society
- Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
- Interhonorary Council
- International Jugglers' Association
- International Order of Rainbow for Girls
- International Thespian Society
- Intertel
- Intra-Varsity Christian Fellowship
- Intramural Badmitton
- Intramural Basketball
- Intramural Board
- Intramural Bowling
- Intramural Bridge
- Intramural Chess
- Intramural Football
- Intramural Handball
- Intramural Leage Representative
- Intramural Managers Club
- Intramural Marshal
- Intramural Soccer
- Intramural Softball
- Intramural Volleyball
- Intramural Wrestling
- Investment Group
- JV Basketball
- Jazz Band
- JazzEnsemble
- Juggling Club
- Junior AIA
- Kappa Kappa Gamma
- Kappa Sigma
- Karate Club
- Kiltie Band
- Lambda Sigma Delta
- Lambda Sigma Sophomore Honor Society
- Law Club
- Lifeline Counselor
- Lutheran Student Association
- Macintosh Users Group
- Married Veterans Committee
- Math Club
- Medex Volunteer
- Men's Dorm Council
- Men's Glee Club
- Metals Club
- Miners and Metallurgists Club
- Mortar Board
- N.E.T.Y.
- National Forensics League
- National Geographic Society
- National Honor Society
- National Space Society
- Navigators
- Newman Club
- Oakland Review
- Omicron Delta Kappa
- Oratory Youth Group
- Orchestra
- Orientation
- Peace Alliance
- Pep Squad
- Pershing Rifles
- Phi Alpha Theta
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Phi Delta Tau
- Phi Eta Sigma Honor Fraternity
- Phi Kappa
- Phi Kappa Phi Academic Honorary
- Phi Kappa Psi
- Phi Kappa Theta
- Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
- Phi Sigma Kappa
- Phi Sigma Pi
- Phi Tau Gamma
- Philosophy Club
- Physics Club
- Pi Delta Epsilon Journalism Honorary
- Pi Kappa Alpha
- Pi Lambda Phi
- Pi Mu Epsilon (Math Honorary)
- Pi Tau Sigma (M.E. Honorary)
- Ping Pong
- Pipe Corps
- Pipers
- Proteus Clan
- Puppet
- Puppet
- Quill and Scroll Honor Society
- Radio Club (W3NRI, W3VC)
- Radio Station WCIT, WRCT
- Rifle Club
- Rifle Team
- Rifle and Pistol Club
- Rugby Club
- S.A.M.E.
- Scabbard and Blade
- Scimitar Society - Sophomore Activities Honorary
- Scot Humor Magazine
- Scotch and Soda
- Scots Clan (Social CLub)
- Scottie
- Scuba Diving
- Shadyside College Fellowship
- Sigma Alpha Epsilon
- Sigma Alpha Iota
- Sigma Delta Phi
- Sigma Nu
- Sigma Tau Gamma
- Ski Club
- Skydiving Club
- Soccer Team
- Society for Advancement of Management
- Society of American Military Engineers
- Society of Automotive Engineers
- Society of Physics Students
- Society of Women Engineers
- Softball
- Spirit
- Spring Carnival Committee
- Student Alumni Relations Council
- Student Congress
- Student Council
- Student Dormitory Council
- Student EMS
- Student Environmental Action Committee
- Student Government
- Student Senate
- Sully Clan (Honorary Band CLub)
- Summer Student Council
- Supper Club
- Swim Team
- Swimming Team
- Symphony Orchestra
- Tarquans (Swim Club)
- Tartan
- Tau Beta Pi
- Tau Delta Phi
- Tech Outing Club
- Tech Record Dance
- TechDem Club
- Technical
- Tecvets
- Teknon Club
- Temple Youth Group
- Tennis
- The Scot (Monthly Magazine)
- Thespians
- Theta Kappa Nu
- Theta Tau (Engineering Professional)
- Theta Xi
- Thistle Yearbook
- Time Out Christian Fellowship
- Tour Guide
- Track Team
- Tri-Publications
- United Hot Clubs of America
- University Choir
- University Entrepreneurial Association
- Upward Bound Program
- Varsity "C" Club
- Varsity "S" Club
- Varsity Basketball
- Varsity Cross Country
- Varsity Football
- Varsity Soccer Team
- Varsity Swimming
- Varsity Tennis
- Voices United Gospel Choir
- Vol. Ambulance Corps
- Volleyball
- Wesley Fellowship
- Westminster Foundation
- Wind Ensemble
- Women@SCS
- Woodwind Quartet
- World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh
- Wrestling
- YMCA Cabinet
- citcommunicator