Strong Family - Tree
Strong Family - Tree
Jerri Ann Felicione
7 May 1954 - 11 Oct 2004
Dominick Felicione
5 May 1920 - 23 Sep 2009
Harriet Mae Sessi
12 May 1922 - 21 Oct 2010
Marco Felicione
ca 1885 - 1950
Rose Casatis
ca 1898 - ca 1990
Harry Sessi
24 Jul 1899 - 23 Jun 1968
Margaret Mercedes Entinger
21 Feb 1901 - 28 Apr 1992
Angelo Sessi
9 Apr 1876 - 10 Nov 1923
Sarah Ann Phillips
3 Aug 1881 - 19 May 1957
Mathias (Matthew) Entinger
17 Sep 1861 - 2 Dec 1935
Elizabeth Pohren
Dec 1867 - 1943
Please contact Tom Strong at if you have any questions or corrections.
This is a work in progress, please do not take anything here as absolute fact. I am working my way through it to find verifiable sources wherever possible.

Please only link to - pages beyond that are likely to move and change with future updates.

Last updated 18 January 2022