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K-0206 - Theodore Robert Dibble

Born (date) in (location) [Obscured on the web for privacy]
Arrived at CMU June 4, 1946
Majoring in Physics
Class of 1948
Scouting: Life Scout
Other activities: Cross Country, Soccer, Track
Initiated October 18, 1946
BS, USNA, 1946
An update supplied by Ted in June 2001:
Joined the US Navy October 17, 1940. Missed Pearl Harbor by a whisker. My ship, USS Maryland was in port when attack occured. I had been transfered to a Navy school in Norfolk, VA. The ship was not damaged badly due to "protection" by USS Oklahoma that took several hits in the attack, and capsized in the channel.
Received Appointment to USNA from Secretary of Navy by competitive exam. Upon graduation, was put in Naval reserve due to eye/sight problem. Taught at USNA in the Engineeriing department. Was released to inactive duty after WW2 ended, then went to CMU to get Physics degree.
Has four children by his first wife, Edith Succoup, who died of breast cancer in January 1970. Married his second wife, Janet Osterli, in November 1972, but has had no further offspring. Is in good health, and has six grandchildren.

This web site is maintained by Tom Strong (K-1030) <tomstrong@gmail.com>. Please send him any suggestions, comments, updates, or corrections you may have for it.

Page generated 2013-05-04 14:52:03 EDT